Isolation of RNA is highly challenging, mainly due to three factors. Degradation of RNAs by ubiquitous RNases, low yields and purities, and contamination of genomic DNA. However, we offer diverse solutions for your daily work with RNAs that will allow you to overcome those challenges. With RNA extraction kits from MACHEREY-NAGEL your RNA routine will be a real pleasure. On this page we will show you on the one hand the advantages of our RNA extraction kits NucleoSpin RNA und NucleoSpin RNA Plus and on the other hand what to consider when working with RNAs.
If you want to know more about RNA, the differences about our NucleoSpin RNA kits as well as tips and tricks guide on how to work with RNA please have a look at our newest E-training post.
How to work with RNA
Please consider the following tips when working with RNAs to make sure to recover sufficient amounts of highly pure RNA. These will help you make your RNA extraction a pleasure. Our technical support team will also be happy to help you with any questions about our products to make you a professional in RNA isolation.
Use sterile, disposable polypropylene tubes and sterile RNAse-free tips.Keep your tubes closed during preparation whenever possible. Glassware should be oven-baked for at least 2 hours at 250°C before use.
Sample disruption
Keep your equipment cool and perform sample disruption in liquid nitrogen. If you have difficulties, take a look at the protocols of our RNA kits. They contain specific instructions for the successful disruption of your sample material.
Work environment
Wear gloves during RNA preparation and change them frequently to create an RNAse-free work environment
Be aware of others working with RNases in close proximity and try to avoid working at the same time
If you use RNases yourself, change your lab coat before you start your RNA preparation
Optimally, select a specific workbench for RNA preparation only
Try to minimize communication during RNA preparation or use a mask to prevent RNase-containing saliva droplets from entering your samples
Always store eluted RNA on ice to ensure optimal stability. Store your RNA at -20 °C for short term and minimum at -70 °C for long term. If you need your isolated RNA more frequently, try to aliquot your samples into smaller volumes to avoid repeated freeze/thaw cycles which reduce the integrity of your RNA. When thawing your samples, always thaw them on ice to avoid degradation of your RNA.
Sample protection
Whenever possible, use fresh sample matrial. Alternatively, you can protect your RNA samples from degradation by the following measures:
Freezing in liquid nitrogen / Storage at -80°C
Using stabilization reagents such as NucleoProtect RNA
Do not let your samples thaw prior to contact with lysis buffer