A variety of IQC measures are available to safeguard your measured values. Our seminar provides you with an optimum overview of the various IQC functions for photometry. In order to meet the requirements of the DWA, specific practical exercises...
A variety of IQC measures are available to safeguard your measured values. Our seminar provides you with an optimum overview of the various IQC functions for photometry. In order to meet the requirements of the DWA, specific practical exercises...
Interlaboratory trials are an essential part of internal quality control. With this seminar, both beginners and experts have the opportunity to take part in our regular interlaboratory trial. As an example, the parameters...
The AOX value indicates the content of organohalogen compounds, which are often found in industrial wastewater. These compounds are generally not biodegradable and are extremely harmful to humans and the environment. Find out here how you can determine this important parameter with the NANOCOLOR tube test.
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